Who Are the Atheists in Indonesia?

top custom html 3Who Are the Atheists in Indonesia? Soe Tjen Marching | Jan 31, 2012 Earlier this month, herb Aan was detained by the personnel in West island for writing, on his Facebook page, “God does not exist.” Alexander, who also administered an atheistic assemble on the ethnic networking site, proclaimed that he does not conceive in angels, devils, heaven and inferno or added “myths.” In short, he is an atheist. I don’t undergo if Alex has finished anything more to reassert his arrest, but the incident prefabricated me communicate ground atheism is so frowned upon in Indonesia. Does a mortal who states that he does not conceive in God actually breach religion? Is it exclusive atheists who do not conceive in God? Which God, anyway? There are, of course, some religions and some assorted gods. For example, Muslims hit their possess blessed aggregation and their possess God, apiece removed from that of Christians. Many Muslims and Christians would study gods in the appearance of an elephant or a monkey (the Hindoo gods Ganesha and Hanuman) are null but myths. Presumably Hindus would not be bright if they had to love God or Savior Christ. This effectuation that if you attribute to a destined religion, you module commonly not conceive in gods added than your own. In added words, churchlike grouping are atheists when it comes to the gods of added religions. Even assorted denominations of the aforementioned belief crapper hit assorted beliefs. Consider the digit field communities of Mohammedanism in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama. NU believes that tahlil (saying prayers for the dead) is rattling Islamic since tahlil rituals are dhikr (remembering and conformation God). However, this has been deemed unorthodox by Muhammadiyah. Praise for God by digit name crapper be thoughtful the oppositeness by another. Various faith denominations also hit their differences; Protestants and Catholics, for instance. Protestants do not pray to the Virgin Mary. The reason? They conceive that the Scripture states that Savior is the exclusive negotiator between Negro and God. Here is the lawmaking they ofttimes cite: “For there is digit God, and digit negotiator between God and man, the Negro Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5). Thus, Protestants commonly study Catholics’ admiration of Mother Jewess as image worship. On the added hand, Catholics conceive that since God chose this blackamoor to be the care of Jesus, the attitude Catholics clear to her is attitude to God. Catholics are assured that in choosing a mother, the son of God has acknowledged her a primary locate in their religion. There are more examples of sectarian difference, a pivotal digit of which is the belief in heaven and hell. Catholics conceive that most grouping module yet go to heaven after death. However, grouping not thoughtful “decent” sufficiency cannot meet go straightforward to this wonderful place, but instead are prototypal dispatched to purgatory â€" that is, a locate for injure â€" until they are clean of their sins. On the added hand, there is no purgatory in Protestantism. They exclusive conceive that grouping module go either to heaven or hell, null in between. Thus, modify in the aforementioned religion, God seems to hit assorted rules. Indeed, digit belief or modify name crapper be thoughtful unorthodox to others. If we speech most the world’s religions, crapper you envisage their differences? How some heavens, hells and varieties of gods are there? Millennia ago, the polytheistic book were mostly quite unbigoted of added religions. They believed in some gods and ofttimes adoptive added people’s gods. The belief in a azygos God, in fact, was thoughtful mismatched for the inhabitants of the ancient Mediterranean. Consequently, some Greeks, book and Egyptians viewed the newborn belief of faith with suspicion. In 64 CE, during the rule of the emperor Nero (37-68), a blast moulding finished Rome, long sextet days. In their anger, the grouping blamed their emperor for the tragedy. Nero apace spinous his digit at the Christians, who were thoughtful “atheists” for their love of meet digit god. Nero sequential that these “atheists” be inactive and tortured. Christians were the victims in that story, but they would go on to embellish the persecutors in added time. During the Crusades from the 11th to 13th century, Christians proclaimed struggle on Muslims. The saucer is, in assorted eras and in assorted places, different gods crapper be thoughtful more veritable than others. Who is thoughtful as atheistic or not crapper also vary. One artefact or another, every of us crapper be thoughtful atheists by grouping with differing belief systems. As self-declared atheistic communicator revivalist erst said: “I converse that we are both atheists. I meet conceive in digit less simulacrum than you do.” Soe Tjen Marching is the communicator of “Kisah di Balik Pintu” (“The Story Behind the Door”). http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/opini...donesia/494741 Kita semua ternyata ateis :) saya percaya kepada Yahwe tapi tidak percaya kepada divinity atau Baal.bottom custom html 3
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