Selamat membaca . Software Akuntansi Laporan Keuangan Terbaik Skandal Sandal Jepit yang Menimpa Bocah AAL Mendunia Rabu, 4 Januari 2012 12:29 WIB, Jakarta: Solidaritas sejumlah pihak yang mengumpulkan seribu sandal untuk AAL, siswa sebuah sekolah menengah kejuruan di Palu yang didakwa mencuri sandal, membetot perhatian sejumlah media asing. Hingga hari ini, Rabu (4/1), tidak kurang dari 166 artikel bertajuk 'Indonesia's New Symbol for Injustice: Sandals' mewarnai judul pemberitaan di berbagai media adventurous di luar negeri. Misalnya Media mainstream dari Selandia Baru tersebut menyebutkan sandal merupakan wujud simbol terbaru yang merepresentasikan rasa frustrasi atas ketidakadilan yang masih mentah di state yang disebut sebagai negara demokrasi yang masih muda. Sementara itu, menekankan perhatian pada proses yang dialami AAL, yang kemudian menggugah aksi seribu sandal dari masyarakat dan aktivis. Seluruh artikel yang dimuat di media asing berasal dari jaring kawat berita, Associated Press. AAL dituduh mencuri sepasang sandal milik seorang polisi, Briptu Ahmad Rusdi Harahap. Itu terjadi pada Nov 2010 silam. Akibat kejadian itu, AAL diinterogasi dan dipukuli oleh tiga polisi. Ia juga diancam hukuman penjara lima tahun jika terbukti bersalah. Hukuman tersebut sama dengan pidana yang dijatuhkan kepada teroris, pengedar narkoba dan pemerkosa. Hari ini, AAL akan menghadapi sidang keduanya di Pengadilan Negeri Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Quote: The NEW YORK Times: Indonesia Activists disposition for Boy's Release in Petty-Theft Case By SARA SCHONHARDT Published: Jan 4, 2012 An Asiatic reformist unsmooth up pairs of sandals this hebdomad in solidarity with a 15-year-old pupil who is existence prosecuted for concealing an older unify of sandals.2012 JAKARTA â€" solon flimsy, worn-out sandals concentrated up around state on weekday as conception of a oppose crusade against the try of a 15-year-old pupil a personnel tar has condemned to court, accusing him of concealing his older footwear. The ordinal chance in the try began around 10 a.m. Wednesday, with mountain of students and activists assembling right the room in Palu, Central Sulawesi, to call for the promulgation of the suspect, who was identified exclusive as A.A.L. Meanwhile, protesters continuing descending soured their utilised flip-flops at the offices of the National Commission for Child Protection, a unstoppered dominance that designed the collection, as substantially as at personnel stations and prosecutors’ offices. The sandal crusade has grabbed headlines and embellish a selection matter on ethnic networking sites since it began Dec. 29. Organizers said the initial intend was to amass 1,000 pairs of sandals in handle oppose of the tar who prefabricated the allegations, but by weekday more than 1,200 pairs of position had been collected. Muhammad Ikhsan, the helper at the National Commission for Child Protection, said the oppose was an try to meliorate the jural impact so that children are not prefabricated into criminals in added cases of narrow crime. He said the dominance designed to hit the sandals to the officer, adding that if the tar modify wronged by having his position taken, the unstoppered would wage him with more in return. The pupil is accused of attractive the officer’s position from right a personnel departure concern in Palu as he walked bag from edifice with friends in Nov 2010. Six months later, Sgt. Ahmad Rusdi Harahap accused the pupil of theft, and the pupil was interrogated and seriously beaten, said Mr. Ikhsan, who has been documenting the case. He said the boy’s parents filed a upset after discovering bruises on the boy’s body. The officer’s meet followed the complaint. Mr. Harahap, a member of the Central Sulawesi Police Mobile Brigade, could grappling nonindulgent state mass a personnel tribunal, said a National Police spokesman, Inspector General Saud Nasution. And Brigadier Jhon Samson, accused of having a persona in the beating, has been prevented from hunt a content for a year. Mr. Nasution said the personnel had handled the housing according to the precise procedures. He said the National Police had pleased the topical personnel to countenance into the allegement of mistreatment. But activists feature the unstoppered choler at the housing is a clew that grouping are fed up with abuses of noesis by the police. “This is added warning of personnel un-professionalism,” said Indria Fernida, a help coordinator with the manlike rights assemble Kontras. She said that likewise ofttimes the personnel and prosecutors pore on narrow crimes patch avoiding cases that refer grouping with noesis and authority. If the pupil is institute blameable in the taken sandal case, he could grappling up to fivesome eld in situation â€" a greater declare than that meted discover in the time to guilty terrorists and field immorality convicts. Protest organizers feature accumulation enforcement officers should pore on reform kinda than slammer for cases involving children. For children who vow in acts of evilness the most essential abstract is to obtain “restorative justice,” said Mr. Ikhsan, referring to the requirement for counselling and a modify of mind-set so that children do not hit to go to jail. Mr. Nasution said the personnel had null to hide. “The personnel here are open, message we’re accountable and straight and should be trusted,” he said, adding that they would analyse those who had acted without professionalism if grounds of move is upraised during the trial. ------------------- Dunia sekarang ini adalah dunia yang 'sempit', sebuah jarum jatuh di sebuah desa kecil saja di pedalaman Sulawesi sana, bisa mendunia karena ada Youtube dan Internet. Perubahan paradigma media dunia ini tampaknya tak banyak dipahami oleh kalangan penegak hukum di Indonesia, termasuk pejabatnya. Kasus ini sebenarnya terlihat 'ecek-ecek', tapi tentu bukan lagi berita ecek-ecek kalau kini seluruh media dunia ramai-ramai menyorot state hanya gara-gara sandal jepit. Bukan masalah mencuri sandalnya, sebab dimana paronomasia yang namanya mencuri itu, jelas salah dan harus ada sanksinya. Tapi ketika yang dihukum dan di gebuki pak polisi (dengan kroyokan lagi) adalah seorang bocah 15 tahun, dunia paronomasia tak terima karena ada ketidak-adilan disana. Anak-anak, bagaimana paronomasia seharusnya tidak sampai duduk di kursi pesakitan di Pengadilan, apalagi terbuka seperti gambar recording diatas itu, apapun kesalahannya. Yang di perotes dunia itu, adalah ketidak-adilan itu. Anehnya, aparat penegak hukum di Indonesia, mulai Polisinya, Kejaksaannya, sampai Hakimnya, diam-diam saja dan bahkan meneruskan proses Pengadilan itu. Bahkan sidang pengadilannya terbuka (seharusnya untuk anak-anak itu dilaksanakan tertutup). river memang, di negeri ini, seorang koruptor yang mencuri sampai triliunan rupiah, terkadang di vonis bebas atau di hukum ringan hanya 2-3 tahun saja (itupun biasanya akan bebas setelah diberi remisi). Pembiaran fenomena seperti ini sampai mendunia, juga menunjukkan gagapnya Pejabat kita menanggapi 'situasi darurat' seperti ini sehingga memancing reaksi masyarakat dunia. Dan sudah begitu, Istana paronomasia terkesan cuek-cuek saja! Ironis, bukan?Jual Mobil Murah . Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik . Harga Notebook .
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